“In order to achieve top performance in competitive sports, it needs the right nutrients.”
Johannes Thingnes Bø is currently perhaps the world’s best biathlete. He won the overall World Cup the last two years and at the age of 27 has already secured 8 gold medals at World Championships and 1 gold medal at the Olympics.
Possibly just as important for him personally, in 2019 Bø became a father for the first time.
Fish oil has always been part of his daily nutrition routine. In the video, learn about the role omega-3 plays in his life, the tradition of omega-3 in Norway, and which NORSAN product he prefers to take.
We at NORSAN are proud to be able to accompany Johannes on his journey and support him with high-quality, high-dose omega-3 products.
Fish oil has always been part of his daily nutrition routine. In the video, learn about the role omega-3 plays in his life, the tradition of omega-3 in Norway, and which NORSAN product he prefers to take.
We at NORSAN are proud to be able to accompany Johannes on his journey and support him with high-quality, high-dose omega-3 products.
Find out more about the positive effects of omega-3 in competitive sports and explore further tips on our page: The importance of omega-3 in competitive sports
But omega-3 is not only important for athletes, it is vital for young and old. Read up everything you need to know about the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on our health.
Johannes’ personal recommendations
Norwegian Tran from the North Atlantic
Omega-3 Arktis Olej
Kč300,00(150 Kč/100 ml)Prospěšný pro srdce, oči i mozek- 100% řírodní olej z tresčích jater z udržitelného arktického rybolovu
- 2.000 mg omega-3 na denní dávku (1 lžíce)
- Vysoká dávka DHA
- Příjemná citronová příchuť
- Očištěno od škodlivých látek, PCB a těžkých kovů
Omega-3 Arktis Kapsle
Kč300,00(182,7 Kč/100 g)Prospěšný pro srdce, oči i mozek- 100% přírodní olej z tresčích jater z volného udržitelného arktického rybolovu
- 1.500 mg omega-3 denní dávky (2 x 3 kapsle)
- Vysoká dávka DHA
- Nezpůsobuje trávicí potíže
- Očištěno od škodlivých látek, PCB a těžkých kovů
- Extrakt z rozmarýnu jako antioxidant
- Perfektní pro cestování